After raising seven children through their teenage years, I've had my fair share of experiences with selling used cars that have body damage. As a child saved up to buy a newer car, I was relied on to find a way to sell their old one for the most money possible. I have learned that fixing small dents and other aesthetic issues with your vehicle is a great way to significantly increase the sales price you ask when you put it on the market. But not all dents are worth paying to have fixed because it won't affect the value much. Whether you are just trying to make the money back that you've put into your vehicle or you're trying to make a profit, hopefully the pages on this website will give you some insight into what's worth putting your time and effort into fixing and what's best left untouched.
Many people mistakenly believe that the windshield of a vehicle is only there to keep the rain, wind, and insects out of our face. The windshield of a vehicle is critical to the overall integrity of the car. There are many reasons why you should not put off getting your auto windshield repaired. From rock chips to giant cracks, your windshield's condition can have a direct effect on your driving and safety. Here are a few reasons why it is crucial to get your windshield repaired as soon as possible.
Weakened Barrier
A solid windshield serves as a barrier between you and the outside world. This barrier not only keeps the outside world from coming into your car but also keeps you inside your car.
If you involved in an accident while not wearing a seatbelt, there is a much higher chance of you being ejected from the vehicle. The windshield of your car is designed to not shatter on impact, though if it is cracked, it is much more likely to give way.
Keep in mind that should you be ejected from your vehicle, your odds of being seriously injured or killed greatly increases. Windshields help you to stay in the car in case of an accident.
Weakened Force Transference
Another neat fact about your windshield is, in the case of a front end crash, it is designed to transfer the impact of the accident down into the metal chassis of the car instead of into the occupants' bodies. A strong windshield will basically allow your car to take the brunt of the damage instead of you as the driver. Should your windshield be cracked or chipped, it is much more likely to shatter during an accident, which will cause more injuries to you.
Weakened Structural Integrity of Vehicle
Without a strong windshield on your car, the front end is weakened. The structural integrity of your vehicle becomes faulty, allowing it to become crushed much more easily than it would otherwise.
Do not allow your car to become weak! Get your windshield fixed.
Auto windshield repair is not just something that will make your car look nice again. It is essential for your safety and protection. Failure to get a timely repair can leave you in danger of getting seriously injured should you get into an accident while it is cracked. Don't put yourself and your passengers at risk: get your windshield repaired today.
Share9 September 2019