What You Should and Shouldn't Fix Before Selling Your Car

After raising seven children through their teenage years, I've had my fair share of experiences with selling used cars that have body damage. As a child saved up to buy a newer car, I was relied on to find a way to sell their old one for the most money possible. I have learned that fixing small dents and other aesthetic issues with your vehicle is a great way to significantly increase the sales price you ask when you put it on the market. But not all dents are worth paying to have fixed because it won't affect the value much. Whether you are just trying to make the money back that you've put into your vehicle or you're trying to make a profit, hopefully the pages on this website will give you some insight into what's worth putting your time and effort into fixing and what's best left untouched.

3 Big Reasons To Not Delay Auto Body Repairs


It's normal for cars to get dings, scratches, chips, and dents from daily use on the road. For the most part, small scratches and dents aren't very noticeable. An accident, big or small, however, can leave a dent or scratch that everyone sees wherever you drive. This can make your vehicle look bad, but it can also lead to other problems if left untreated. Some people don't bother getting needed auto body repairs if the damaged vehicle still works. This can be a bad thing for three important reasons.

Unseen Damage Can Cause Additional Problems

One of the most important things car body repair services involves is a thorough check of how any external damage of your vehicle may be impacting unseen areas of the car. Even if your car is still working well, there may be loose parts or damaged parts that could be on the verge of breaking. Any accident can jar or move critical engine components or other components that, if left unsecured, could wreak havoc on your entire mechanical system. Getting a full examination of your vehicle from an auto body repair shop will help you determine the full extent of your car's damage and whether or not it is safe to drive.

Paint Repairs Are Not Insignificant

Some people don't worry about scratches or scrapes on their vehicles. What they may not understand is that paint is not just decorative. It protects the metal shell of the car. It protects against corrosion, which can rapidly occur if a vehicle is exposed to a lot of harsh weather. Not only does rain, snow, and ice make corrosion occur more rapidly, intense heat can also impact the condition of the car's metal shell. A small rock chip can get rusty, and if not repaired, can create a rusty hole in the metal. Enough corrosion on the outer part of the car and the car's mechanical parts can get exposed to water and other elements in such a way that they stop working properly. Auto body shops don't just cover painting an entire car. They often help car owners with small paint damage issues. 

There Are Financing Options

There are auto body shops that provide a variety of financing options. This can include options for customers who have insurance to cover some of the costs but aren't able to pay the full amount of a deductible. Considering the condition of your car's auto body can impact its value and overall condition, it's important not to delay any needed repair. Financing options are available at most shops through in-house financing programs. Some of these programs may require a credit check, but approval is usually easier to get.

Auto body issues are just as important as mechanical issues when it comes to the overall valuation of your vehicle. If you ever plan to sell your vehicle or refinance it, then you will want to make sure it is in the best condition possible. Visit a professional who provides car body repair services for more information. 


19 May 2020